Hassan Latheef

Services Offered

  • Lawn Mowing

  • Lawn Restoration

  • Gardening

  • Hedge Trimming

  • Tree Pruning

  • Green Waste Removal

  • Section tidies

Service Areas

  • Central Wellington

A nice-looking lawn or a garden doesn't take place by itself. A properly mowed lawn and a tidy garden is some of the most important aesthetics of a well-maintained home. Maintaining healthy lawns and beautiful gardens requires expert care throughout the year.

Hassan has a wide range of knowledge and experience when it comes to gardening and lawn maintenance. He has previous education and more than 10 years of experience related to agriculture and forestry. After receiving an agricultural education, he started his career as an agriculture officer who worked with rural farmers in the Maldives to promote sustainable agriculture and farming practices. In addition to this, he took part in the restoration of coastal forests damaged by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

By combining past knowledge and experience with the training he received from Crewcut, Hassan is perfectly capable of providing lawn mowing, lawn restoration, gardening, hedge trimming, tree pruning, green waste removal, and section tidies using the finest equipment available. He will passionately do whatever you require to make your lawn and garden look beautiful and tidy.

Crewcut is a well-known brand throughout New Zealand and the Crewcut franchise offers him work-life balance and flexibility. This enables him to spend quality time with his two young kids and at the same time be pleased with the work he has done in your much-loved lawns and gardens.

Therefore, if you are in Central Wellington and need assistance in lawn mowing and gardening, give Hassan from Crewcut a call.

Karan Kikani