6 Old-Fashioned But Effective Ways to Market a Lawn Business
Technology has been a blessing. Remember when we had to carry out tree trimming with a hand saw? Or when we had no other option but a push reel lawn mower for lawn mowing?
Still, as useful as technology has made our lives, there are traditional methods for doing things that have their place. Keep reading to learn some of the many old-fashioned ways that are still helpful to lawn businesses.
1. Flyer Drops
Social media has given us an innovative platform for getting our products and services out in the public arena. Around the world, millions of businesses use the likes of Facebook and Instagram to their advantage.
But there’s also every reason to believe that traditional methods like flyer drops still have their place, too.
The internet is overloaded with advertising, and it’s easy for your lawn care business to become lost among the thousands of others. However, there’s only so much advertising material that can fit in a single letterbox.
If you make your flyer stand out on coloured paper or with an attractive offer or design, then you may be surprised by how many people notice it. You never know, you may just attract plenty of new customers with minimal effort.
Crewcut’s latest flyer
2. Word of Mouth
Around 64 percent of marketing executives believe that word of mouth marketing is the most effective way to get your business out there. And that makes complete sense when you consider that 92% of consumers will take recommendations from friends and family over marketing materials.
Therefore, an old-fashioned form of marketing that can benefit your business is merely a job well done. Provide a high-quality lawn care service with gardening, tree trimming, hedge maintenance, and more, and let your work speak for itself!
3. Newspaper Advertising
When you are trying to work out how to advertise your lawn mowing business, the first thing you should do is consider who your target audience could be. Where are they? You need to be where they are. If you are trying to target the older generation who require a helping hand with their lawn care, then consider newspaper advertising.
According to research, age 55 to 64 and 65+ read the newspaper more than any other age group. By advertising your services in the right place to the right people, you may be surprised at how useful such a traditional form of advertising can be.
4. Local Events
Sure, we’re doing more and more things online. We order groceries directly to our door, exercise on stationary equipment instead of going out and get pizza delivered instead of going to restaurants. But if there’s one thing Kiwis love, it’s field days and agricultural events.
Take the Central District Field Days, for example. This event attracts over 30,000 people daily, not to mention hundreds of exhibitors. With tens of thousands of people descending upon venues for a day out, you’re in the right place to get your business known.
Book a stall, cover it in your advertising and try to get as many names and phone numbers as possible. The best part is, such an event allows you to look for new lawn care equipment at the same time.
5. Vehicle Advertising
You could spend thousands of dollars on TV advertising and social media advertising, but sometimes getting a new customer is as easy as signwriting your vehicle.
As you head from one job to the next, your beautiful branding emblazoned across your vehicle could be enough to plant an idea in someone’s head. Then, if they see it again once the seed is already sown, they could be making a phone call to book your services.
Vehicle advertising is a cost-effective method of advertising that requires no effort on your part. All you need to do is go about your daily business and be seen. Your vehicle will take care of the rest.
6. Radio Advertising
Let’s say you’re a busy professional on your way to work. You’ve got a million and two things to do, and not enough hours in which to do it. Then, while you’re stuck in traffic, you hear a radio jingle for a lawn mowing business. That’s one less thing in my day I have to stress about, you think.
Radio advertising, while now considered an “old” form of advertising to some, has its place. With no other choice but to listen, drivers can find out all sorts of helpful services that are available to them. The more your ad plays, the more people remember it. You could have new customers on your books in no time.
Old Fashioned, But Still Effective
There’s an adage that’s thrown around from time to time: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Sure, advanced technology has made it easier for us to get our message out there, but it hasn’t made traditional forms of advertising entirely redundant.
Any lawn care business can welcome new customers on board with advertising that works for them. Think about your target market and advertise appropriately.