Extreme weather and your trees

Here in New Zealand, we are quite lucky to have mild weather for most of the year. While we might get the occasional heavy rainfall, high winds, and a scattering of snow, we are far better off than several other countries in the world. Given that we are also a country that likes to get outdoors, tend to our gardens, and mow the lawns, that suits us quite nicely!


However, that doesn’t mean that when we do get extreme weather, it doesn’t affect our possessions, homes, and yards. During high winds, in particular, the trees can be a mess waiting to happen.

Once autumn and winter hit, we must pay careful attention to the health of our trees. Given how long it takes to grow a tree from a sapling or seedling, they are not something you want to have to establish again from the beginning!

Tree care involves tree pruning, hedge trimming, and tree trimming, and failure to understand what this means for you as a tree owner could be the difference between a tree that thrives and one that merely survives (or doesn’t…).

Benefits of Trees

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of tree pruning, tree trimming, and tree care, it’s a good idea to understand why we need trees, and why they are beneficial for your yard. Without knowing why, you may take to them with a chainsaw to say goodbye to them forever!  

Trees do many things for us socially, environmentally, and economically. Firstly and most importantly, they clean the air, reduce the smog, and give us nice and clean air to breathe.  

Regarding social benefits, trees play a vital role as well. They are responsible for reducing stress, promote increased physical activity in parks, and even help to reduce crimes. Recent studies have also shown that vegetation in urban areas can relax your brainwaves, lower your blood pressure, and improve your quality of life.

Environmentally, however, trees are in their element. One single tree can produce the same amount of cold air as ten residential air conditioning units. Homes with trees as windbreakers can even benefit from reduced heating costs of up to 15 percent.

Finally, homes with well-established trees sell for up to 15 percent more than those without, while tree-lined streets may increase the homes’ values by as much as 25 percent.

Diseased branches can burden or eventually kill a tree.

Diseased branches can burden or eventually kill a tree.

How to Trim Your Trees

It’s clear to see that trees are worth keeping around, but taking care of tree care such as tree trimming and tree pruning is still something that not everyone knows how to do – even with trees galore in their backyard. Below, we cover how to tackle tree trimming and tree pruning by yourself. Not enough time or experience? Then call in the experts.

1. Identify the vital branches – the tree’s skeleton

You want to avoid cutting these branches off as they keep the tree’s form.

2. Identify damaged or broken branches

Remove any damaged or broken branches. By doing so, you are enabling the rest of the tree to benefit from the nutrients that would have gone to the broken or damaged portion

3. Thinning

During tree trimming, one of the most important things to do is make sure the trees can get as much light and air as possible. To do so, you need to thin out areas with thick branches that cross over each other. Dense parts of your trees can harbour fungus and unwanted insects. Thin these spots out and give them room to breathe and grow.

4. Taking Care of Obstructions

Trees, while lovely and beneficial, can also be a hazard. Low branches can block walkways, while high ones can damage your roof, power pole wires, and parts of your home’s exterior. If you don’t feel confident getting up high to trim, call in tree pruning experts who have the best equipment to take care of the job for you.

5. Don’t be Trim-Happy

When you get into the rhythm of tree trimming and tree care, it’s all too easy to get a little chop-happy, giving your trees more of a haircut than they need. Every cut you make can be compromising your tree’s ability to care for itself. Aim to remove less than a quarter of your tree’s branches.



How to Take Care of Your Trees During High Winds?


In many storm-related insurance claims in New Zealand, trees are to blame. While they do much good in our lives, they are also responsible for damaged roofing, fences, vehicles, and homes. That’s why it’s important to be proactive with your tree care. Failure to get on top of tree trimming and pruning can be the difference between a hefty bill and getting through a storm unscathed. Below, we have a few helpful tips you may find useful.

1. Check Your Tree’s Health

On a regular basis, take a look at your trees. Do they look healthy and robust? Are they straight and not leaning precariously toward someone’s home or property? If you don’t think your tree is strong enough to withstand adverse weather, take action before that bad weather arrives. Consider tree trimming, pruning, or removal if necessary.

2. Know the Rules and Regulations

Many people want to take care of their trees during lousy weather for the sake of the trees themselves, but it’s also crucial for other people as well. All councils have rules and regulations. You may be liable if your tree, for example, falls on a power line.

3. Natural Shelter

If you are planting your seedling or sapling, consider its growth. You may like to plant it somewhere sheltered from the wind, such as behind a house, garage, or shelter belt.

4. Keep up with Maintenance

Trees need a helping hand from time to time, especially if natural critters are trying to take up residence. Take the time to give your trees fertilizer alongside taking care of trimming and pruning. Insects can also weaken your tree, so invest in tree-friendly insecticides if you are concerned.

We have some beautiful trees here in New Zealand, and the more we have, the better it is for our environment. If you want to take care of your trees properly, speak to a Crewcut professional about how you can manage your trees during the wild weather.


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