Level 4 Lockdown Has Ended... Now What?

On Monday, April 27, at 11.59 pm, New Zealand moved out of Alert Level 4 and went back into Alert Level 3. During the highest alert level, New Zealanders knew what was expected from them. They must stay at home, except to exercise locally and to access essential services.

However, Alert Level 3 comes with a few more grey areas, particularly for business. What truly happens after lockdown, and how must businesses and their customers prepare?


How Lawn Care Companies Have Prepared

Every business will have its own set of procedures. What they all have in common, though, is that they are designed to keep both the customer and workers safe.

Crewcut, for instance, has taken extra precautions with all in-person customer interactions. They discourage customers from communicating with their lawn care service operators in person. Calls, texts, and emails are the preferred contact method of choice. 

They have also asked that their customers prepare their yards for lawn care service providers’ return. This might include removing the kids’ toys from the lawn and providing contactless access to the areas where work needs to be carried out.

It may also take some time for a new routine and schedule to be formed, so talk with your chosen Crewcut service provider about timeframes for that initial cut, and lawn care in the weeks and months to follow. 

Operators may ask a set of questions over the phone before they arrive, and may brief you on the required health and safety measures. These include physical distancing of two metres and the use of personal protective equipment if needed.

Rest assured that Crewcut operators have risk control measures and safe work practices by which they abide.

What About Other Businesses?

All businesses that are opening at alert level 3 must have a COVID-19 safety plan in place. This plan outlines how the firm plans to operate safely. Fortunately, businesses who are not sure how to create such a plan can make use of WorkSafe’s extensive template. This can be customised to suit unique business practices.

Business owners must:

  • Support people to self-isolate if they have flu-like symptoms

  • Keep separation distances

  • Disinfect surfaces

  • Maintain good hygiene and cough/sneeze etiquette

  • Keep records for contact tracing

Other important questions to ask yourself, as outlined by WorkSafe, are:

  1. Are there any risks arising from restarting your business or a business activity that has been shut down during Alert Level 4, and how will you manage these?

  2. How will you ensure all workers know how and are able to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19?

  3. How will you gather information on the wellness of your workers to ensure that they are safe and well to work?

  4. How will you operate your business in a way that keeps workers and others safe from exposure to COVID-19?

  5. How will you manage an exposure or suspected exposure to COVID-19?

  6. How will you evaluate, and continuously review, whether your work processes or risk controls are effective?

  7. How do any changes impact on the risks of the work you do?

What Happens After Lockdown for the General Public?

Business owners have an integral part to play in keeping everyone safe. However, the general public must also do their part. So, what rules apply for people during Alert Level 3?

Still stay home

There are very few differences between alert levels 3 and 4 when it comes to keeping yourself safe. Staying home is still firmly encouraged, as is staying in your bubble.

However, contactless purchases can be made from local businesses that have safety measures in place. You may also drive to local areas for recreational activities such as surfing, fishing from wharves, and day walks. 

Distance learning is required for students from years 11 to 13 and is encouraged for children below year 11. All play centres and playgroups will be closed.

Workers from all businesses are also encouraged to work from home where possible. If they can’t, then strict health and safety measures, such as those mentioned above, are put into place.

The goal of all measures put in place for alert level 3 is to keep everyone safe. The fewer chances of transmission, the sooner our country can get back on track!

Doing Your Part

Now’s the time to start preparing for what happens after lockdown. Remember, staying at home as much as possible is still encouraged.

Regularly disinfect surfaces in your home, stay home if you are sick, and wash and dry your hands thoroughly. Refrain from touching your face, too! If you have flu-like symptoms, call your GP or Healthline.

New Zealand, we’re not only flattening the curve, but we’re also smashing it. So, let’s keep going. 

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