Kickstart These Home and Garden Chores During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Home and Garden Chores

If you’re not considered an ‘essential’ worker during Alert Level 4 lockdown in New Zealand, then chances are you’re wondering what to do with yourself. There is only so much Netflix binging and bread baking you can do before you head back to twiddling your thumbs.

But how are your gardens looking? And what about those essential house chores you’ve been “too busy” for? Well, now’s time the time to get stuck in. Add these tasks to your list, and lockdown will be over before you know it!

Decks, patios, and porches

We’re now in Autumn, which means we’re waving goodbye to summer nights entertaining on the deck. Before the autumn weather truly takes hold, why not give these areas a clean-up? Haul out the pressure washer to remove built-up dirt and debris, and even give your outdoor furniture a bit of TLC.

Given that the temperatures are now dropping and wet weather is on its way, consider storing your outdoor furniture out of the elements for the next few months. By doing so, you can ensure it’s in tip-top shape when summer arrives once more.

Get that green thumb

In most regions, green waste is not considered an essential service. Therefore, if you’re usually one to throw away all your trimmings, consider getting into composting. You can reduce your green waste by mulching woody debris and lawn clippings. You can even leave your grass clippings on the lawn to deliver nutrients back into the soil.

Composting can also prove convenient for reducing food scraps in your home. Tea and coffee grounds, tissues, paper, vacuum dust, garden waste, cardboard, and most foods (excluding oil, bones, and meat), can all find their place in your newly formed compost area. By doing so, you can also reduce how much waste you are sending to landfill regularly. 

Lawn and garden maintenance

Many people rely on lawn care companies in New Zealand to handle their lawns and gardens. However, during the lockdown period, these are not considered essential. Fortunately, many people now have plenty of time on their hands to tackle them on their own.

Now is the perfect time to be taking care of those tasks you’ve been putting on hold. Edge the gardens and lawn, tackle those weeds and pull out any plants that haven’t survived summer. 

Now’s also a good time to think about what to plant in autumn, such as beans, broccoli, lettuce, and carrots. If your childhood wasn’t scarred by boiled brussels sprouts, then these may be on the menu, too.

Besides, it will be easier for your lawn and garden crew to bring your backyard back to life if there’s no overgrowth or unkept grass.

DIY tasks

Properties don’t stay looking pristine on their own. Paint can peel from fences, grass can grow in gutters, and paving stones can become lost to unwanted weeds. Now that you’re at home, there are no excuses not to tackle those tasks.

If you have leftover paint stored away in your garage, bring it out to give those fences a new lease on life. Use organic weed killers to bring those pavers back to life. And grab a loved one in your bubble to help safely remove grass from your gutters.

However, even though we’re a DIY nation, it’s a good idea to leave those power tools safely stowed away. Remember, we need to be limiting activities that could see the need for outside assistance. A trip to the emergency room for a power tool accident can be dangerous for you and others.

Garage sale preparedness

Have you been turning a blind eye to the mess in your home, or the mass of items taking up space in your garage? Take this opportunity to have a clean-out and prepare for a garage sale. While you won’t be able to hold a garage sale right now, there’s no harm in getting ready for one.

Start separating goods into four piles: keep, sell, donate, and throw away. Adopt this approach both inside your home and outside it. You can then hit the ground running once COVID-19 is a distant memory.

Come up with seasonal solutions

Autumn is a beautiful season. After all, there’s nothing quite like jumping in piles of crunchy leaves when you’re a child! However, it can bring about some seasonal issues. So, what do you do with seasonal issues? You come up with seasonal solutions!

One of the more common problems is moisture. Moisture can cause a lot of issues in your yard, so be proactive and minimise its impact. Pick up any rotten or old fruit that has been lying on the ground. Clear away leaves and plant debris that could rot and become a slip hazard.

You may even like to use your organic fungicide now and make sure that mildew and black spot are not a problem in the months to come.

Turn off the TV

Binge-watching streaming services during the lockdown period is sure to make the time fly by, but don’t you want to be productive while you can, too? It’s time to tackle those home and garden chores you’ve been putting off. You can then enjoy a sense of achievement when it’s time to get back out into the workforce once more.

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